By Daveq
United Kingdom
When is it safe to plant tomatoes.
My tom plants are now quite big. is it ok to put them in a unheated greenhouse.Will they be damaged if there is a frost or would they only be damaged if outside where frost could form on them.
27 Apr, 2010
I would have thought you could have them out in the greenhouse all the time now... mind you ours are piddly little things
27 Apr, 2010
i have had mine in unheated greenhouse for a good few weeks now - when frost is forcast i cover with fleece
27 Apr, 2010
I started mine off in the but was worried about bringing them out of the warmth of the house into the relative cold of an unheated GH over night?
27 Apr, 2010
Thanks for you answers.
I have now put them out in the greenhouse.
Also have put out cucumbers as well.
2 May, 2010
Good luck Dave... just treat it all as a big game... you always win because you get fresh healthy veg!
2 May, 2010
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If you have grown them indoors then I would harden them off first before leaving them out in the Put them in the greenhouse in the morning and then bring them back indoors at night for about a couple of weeks.
27 Apr, 2010