By Lubytuesday
United Kingdom
If I were to move a rather large azalea currently planted in soil in the garden, is there a method to use (do it at dusk, don't expose the roots to sunlight, water profusely the days beforehand, don't water profusely beforehand, transfer on a big tarpaulin) ?? See my pictures please to ascertain how big these azaleas are! Thanks so much.
28 Apr, 2010
Luby - I've seen the size of the azaleas (on her page, Mrs MB) and a) it's the wrong time of year as they should be flowering now and b) they're so big and estabished that I somehow doubt if they'd survive a move. You'd need a min-digger to get the rootball out!
If you absolutely have to, then prepare the planting hole, and move as much of the rootball as you can - on a tarp, yes, and water it well for months.
Good luck!
28 Apr, 2010
Thanks Spritz.What if we were to move them to Guy's brother's house which is a half an hour car journey. Could we simply transport it in the back of a van - it would dark and I was thinking of transferring it on the tarpaulin? Or would this not work. Do they have to go immediately back into soil? Thank yoU!!!
28 Apr, 2010
No - as long as it's QUICKLY!!!!! Water it well before you dig it up, and immediately after it's in its new home. Has he got acid soil there? If he or you don't know - you can get a little kit from a GC for about a pound, which will tell you...or look at what he and his neighbours grow - Camellias, Pieris, Rhodos and Azaleas are the main acid soil loving ones that should be obvious.
28 Apr, 2010
I'd give it a feed at the same time you plant it but. having looked at the size of the Azaleas do wonder if they will survive. Would also suggest that you prune before moving so there is less top growth for the roots to support. So long as they survive they will grow back.
28 Apr, 2010
Thanks for these answers. Really helpful. We've discovered that Lance's (Guy's brother) soil is not acidic enough. Bummer. Although perhaps the neighbours round here would like one maybe?
29 Apr, 2010
Worth a try, definitely. Good luck - keep us posted.
29 Apr, 2010
Will do! It's a bit on hold at the moment, as we don't know whether we are going to buy a static home and live on site during the build or rent or what! Hoping to stay onsite myself! Plus I want to wait as long as possible before uprooting them, plus I have loads of coursework and stuff on at the mo. Unfortunately we are going away all weekend this weekend and are busy now right up till my birthday (end of May) so time is short! I've been going out though when the weather's good in an evening and working till 8-9pm.
This cutting business might be the answer you know. If I take as many cuttings as poss and try and reroute, then if the big plant fails, I may still have success with the cuttings. xxxx
29 Apr, 2010
You do sound busy. Our predecessors had a static van here while they renovated the house. It seemed to be a good thing to do, to be right there on site, so they said. I hope that you'll get a response as to 'how' to take cuttings. Post another question - or send a PM to Doctorbob1. He's so knowlegeable and helpful. xx
29 Apr, 2010
Doctorbob1? Can I just write to him out of the blue though? hmm...
29 Apr, 2010
Yes you can write to him out of the blue Luby. Really if you must move then the sooner the better as you can't wait until autumn
29 Apr, 2010
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Sorry no pix
28 Apr, 2010