By Sarraceniac
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Any body know anything about Meconopsis? I bought some seed a couple of years ago and promptly had a senior moment. Found them this January and planted them. Good germination rate but When I needed to find out if they were annuals or what and Googled I find a third of the sites telling me they are biennial, a third go for short lived perennial and a third go for perennial. One hedges its bets and says they are biennial or short lived perennial. Anybody know?
28 Apr, 2010
I imagine that is what they are. they are the most common apparently in this country. Thanks for the tip. If I see signs of flowering I will nip them in the bud - literally.
28 Apr, 2010
I have the common M cambrica. orange/yellow ones. they are shorted lived perennials but they seed very freely.
28 Apr, 2010
Thanks both. guess I'll just have to see what I get. The main problem is, if I'm not sure what they are I don't know what area to put them in. Ah well.
29 Apr, 2010
The blue Mec. has simple, hairy leaves and the Welsh poppy has divided leaves, so that might be a clue later.
29 Apr, 2010
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Which sort of Meconopsis are they? The lovely blue ones can think that they are annuals if they flower in the first year, but if not allowed to flower then they can become perennials.
28 Apr, 2010