By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
What would you have done?
Last weekend I bought some Auriculas from Hillview Hardy Plants in Worfield near Brignorth. when I got home I discovered they were riddled with root aphids. I Emailed the nursery , but have heard nothing from them so, I feel free to tell everyone that they patronise this place at their own risk.
If it would not have cost as much to return them as buying them in the first place I would have gone straight back and demanded my money back. As it is I have bare rooted them and replanted in my own compost (would have done this anyway as I dislike pure peat) and watered with Provado.
28 Apr, 2010
Probably exactly what you did, and remind myself never to go there again. But I also would have phoned them and given them what for - nothing like a ranting customer to perk them up a bit, but then I'm afraid I'm one of those people who, once maddened by something, can't just keep quiet, I have to have a go at the perpetrator - otherwise I'd be ranting to everyone for weeks and weeks, lol
28 Apr, 2010
Have you tried ringing them up , .Tell them that you will tell all your friends to boycot the place.Mind you if that was me i'd keep on ringing them up every day until they sorted it out.
If not threaten them with trading standards . This ive found does work.Especially if they feel threatened with the thought of ts visiting them
28 Apr, 2010
Well I'm glad its not just me who'd phone them up and complain bitterly!
28 Apr, 2010
It's definately not just you, i'd ring, write and email ..... and keep on until they reply !
28 Apr, 2010
I agree with everybody, how can you keep quiet, you spent good money on those plants, keep trying you will get there in the end. good luck.
28 Apr, 2010
Thanks for the tip off, Owdboggy, I certainly won't be buying any plants from Hillview Hardy Plants in Worfield near Brignorth now.
28 Apr, 2010
I would let them know that you have posted your complaint on this website. Even provide them with the question number.
28 Apr, 2010
Would have telephoned, but that is a small problem for me. I am utterly and totally phobic about telephones. It has taken me 14 years of hard work to be able to even stay in the house when ours ring and as for making a call......................shudder.
28 Apr, 2010
Ah, well in that case, I'd have done exactly what you did - and even if you weren't phobic about phones, lots of people hate confrontation and complaining, nothing unusual about that.
28 Apr, 2010
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How very disappointing and very bad customer service, i'd keep on (and on!) and make myself a nuisance until they acknowledge you, at least.
Very poor.
I hope your treatment brings them round.
28 Apr, 2010