Whats wrong with my Salix integra Hakuro-Nishiki?
By Babs
United Kingdom
This is my tree Harlequin willowi dressed up with roses for my daughter wedding in 2007 full of bloom photo to the left,We purchased 2 Salix integra Hakuro-Nishiki tree last year for the patio in pots. When we bought them,they was compact rounded head of loverly pink and white variegated foliage throughout the growing season. We have taken very good care of them, making sure to keep them regular watered and feeding,but not over watered,they have not got much foliage this season,lots of bare twigs they look pretty shabby as you can see in the photo 2008,only thing i did last year was put some trailing plants around the base of the tree,HELP can i get them back to life
On plant
Salix integra Hakuro-Nishiki

1 Jul, 2008
Hi KEN , OR ANY ONE, I have put a photo of the ill tree Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' for you to see. Big diference to last years trees, any idea to whats up with it. Do i have to get the first aid out, Or ring the undertakers.
3 Jul, 2008
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This is a small tree or large shrub suitable for most gardens, provided they receive fairly plentiful sun. Elegant, with long, slightly drooping branches when it reaches maturity, in its earlier years Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' is enjoyably boisterous. The young branches develop in all directions, creating a starburst of colour and interest. Eventually they start to bend downwards under their own weight. In terms of visual benefits at other times of the year, expect delicate catkins along the stems from early April, quickly followed by pairs of attractively marked, oblong, bright green leaves. Although willows are often associated with waterside situations, 'Hakuro-nishiki' will also thrive on drier soils. Dont worry it is still young
1 Jul, 2008