By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Which clematis montana is the one with the purple foliage? is it ruebens?
29 Apr, 2010
Ive got one in the garden at the moment and the leaves r (well perhaps purple was the wrong description) maroon, deep reddy colour (hard to explain really).
Wish id kept the label now
29 Apr, 2010
I have 'elizabeth' and it has bronze/purplish young leaves but the open fully to a dark dull green
29 Apr, 2010
As far as I'm aware, there isn't one with purple foliage - there are some with bronze new foliage, such as C. montana 'Ellizabeth' or 'Freda' 'Odorata' or 'Tetrarose'.
29 Apr, 2010