United Kingdom
Hi, myself and my wife are going to start growing some of our own fruit & veg at home. We are growing in raised beds and have never grown any home produce before. Could some one tell us what is the best material to put into the beds to start them off?? We also have an unlimited supply of horse manure ( we have 3 horses!!) but we understand this has to be well rotted before it is used - how long on average does it take to rot?? Hopefully some one can answer our questions, thank you very much for your time, regards Ian & Amanda.
29 Apr, 2010
potatoes will also thank you for well rotted manure but I wouldn't advise using where you will sow carrots or parsnips. Try and get a crop rotation going so that you sow something different in the same place each year. Google 4 year crop rotation for lots of info.
29 Apr, 2010
Many thanks for your kind advice...much appreciated, regards Ian & Amanda.
29 Apr, 2010
Grow well guys - keep in touch... Himself and I grow veggies by the lunar calendar check my blog by clicking on my avatar
29 Apr, 2010
Manure can take at least a year to rot down from freshly pooped! Have you got an old heap somewhere? Dig out from the very bottom of the heap for well rotted stuff. Put a 4 inch layer in the base of each bed and cover with topsoil.Try to get good topsoil for the raised beds, or dig out the paths in betweeen and pile this into the beds. It is possible to build up the soil level over several years if necessary. Brassicas (cabbage family) will love the manure. Treat yourselves to 'The expert guide to veg and herbs' by Dr Hessayon. It's a great book for beginners. My copy is well thumbed!
29 Apr, 2010