United Kingdom
How do I kill/remove dandelions and daisies in my lawn?
30 Apr, 2010
Have you ever heard of greenthumb ? ( lawncare company), they come and treat your lawn for £60 a year, i`ve never had weeds, and the front lawn has always been lush green and weed free, they charge £15 a visit x 4 visits a year, and its well worth it, a very noticeable difference between my lawn and my friends lawn next door, worth looking into !
30 Apr, 2010
Good lord Paul - you are obviously not from Aberdeen!
30 Apr, 2010
LOL and what does that mean ? :-)
1 May, 2010
Aberdonians wouldn't pay to get their lawn sorted - at least the ones I know wouldn't lol
1 May, 2010
When we lived in Aberdeen my nextdoor neighbours introduced me to those useful dandelion-specific tools, like a long thin trowel kind of thingy. That reminds me, ours needs sharpening. I get satisfaction out of digging them out of the grass or beds and hearing the root deep down go SNAP (yes I know, I know some of it's still in there but hey, more fun for next time round)
Btw, I also got to borrow their lovely dog regularly. So at least they're generous with dog-loaning, can't comment on other financial arrangements!
5 May, 2010
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On youre hands an knees Im afraid is the sure fire way. Dandlions need to be pulled out with thier tap root. This is the long root that grows straight down. If you dont get it all out it will re grow. Daisies can be pulled or dug out as they have shallow roots.
You can get a weed and feed from garden centres but to be honest, pick a nice day and spend it on your knees.
30 Apr, 2010