By Tushnic
United Kingdom
I have recently bought a parthenocissus from Ikea it is in a 10cm pot the label reads himalaya mix parthenocissus I bought it for pure curiosity it looks exactly like a minature version of the virginia creeper has anyone any idea of what they are and where they come from?
1 May, 2010
Welcome to GOY Tushnic. I use Hilliers Manual of Trees and Shrubs - It says Vitis himalaya is the name given to it by the botanist a man called Flanchet. It is described as a strong growing more or less self clinging climber differing mainly from the "Virginia Creeper in its larger leaflets. These turn crimson in autumn.The fruits are deep blue. It came from Himalaya around 1894. Bb it probably came in a seed packet lol
1 May, 2010
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I have just tried to google this for you, Tushnic, and from a limited amount of information it would appear to be a VIGOROUS form of Virginia Creeper which could also be known as Himalayan Woodbine!
Having given a half way sensible answere to the quaetion, may I know ask if it came as a flat pack? :-).
1 May, 2010