By Scotkat
Dandylions this is a garden I tend to and in her patio is a lot dandylions inbetween slabs.
What can I put down to get them out? Looking for a quick fix.
2 May, 2010
2 May, 2010
Thankyou Plantmaiden I do have the L shaped hooked knife which I use but he does have a lot dandelions and I dotn like using weedkillers if help it.
BH Round up is really leathal stuff have to be very careful near other plants.
Thanks again.
2 May, 2010
You can put round up in a small bowl, put on latex gloves and then cotton gloves, dip your fingers in the bowl and stroke on the dandelion leaves. Yes roundup is a nasty if you get it on a precious plant but if you are talking about cracks between paving stones you should be able to use without getting anywhere near another plant. On the positive side roundup does not poison the soil - only the plant.
2 May, 2010
Thankyou Moon grower.
2 May, 2010
Previous question
most weedkillers will say what they get rid of.spray them then when they die down,usually in a week, hook them out with a garden tool {cant think what they are called} or an old knife will do.
2 May, 2010