By Jabo
Why won't solanum laxum flower
On plant
Solanum laxum
3 May, 2010
mine flowered late last summer not this early.
it just seems to grow very fast then flowers later, here in glasgow anyway.
4 May, 2010
Hey thanks guys plants at least 3 years old the were in situ when I bought apartment and I haven't looked at them til now only know what they are cos there labelled, there are 2 each in pots (no garden) and they have been in shade I have not seen a flower yet
4 May, 2010
They need sunshine, Jabo - they won't flower in shade, and they're not fully hardy, either. One of our members in Berkshire lost his last winter.
Usernut is right - mine flowers in late summer and carries on until the frosts stop it. I cut it back by at least two-thirds in the spring, or it tries to take over the trellis AND the field behind us! lol.
Can you move yours into the sun?
4 May, 2010
I had no idea how beautiful it is will move pots to a more sunny spot is there anything else that I can do to help them along this year?
4 May, 2010
Feed them with a handful of blood, fish and bone around the roots, and water it in, or diluted general plant food. Yes - I totally agree - when I revamped the back garden, that was the climber I wanted for the centre of the trellis, and it's a star performer. :-))
4 May, 2010
Thankyou so much I have just with fed with miracle grow but will get blood and fish bone, it is bit woody and shrubby looking should I re pot and tie on to trellis it has been about 2 ft high for the last few years also just planted jackmanni clematis thought it would look nice with the white can't wait for summer ...
4 May, 2010
I'm amazed that it's so small!!!!! Mine shoots out yards when it gets going, and attaches itself to the trellis - i don't need to tie it in.
I think yours may well be starved in the pot, and restricted, so yes, try repotting into a bigger pot. No chance of planting in the soill is there?
5 May, 2010
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You'll need to tell us how old it is, and whether it gets enough sun...both could be a reason for not flowering.
3 May, 2010