By York
London, United Kingdom
I planted a Trachelospermum Asiaticum nearly five years ago - it has gown to a height of 5 feet around a pillar and looks healthy enough but has never flowered, I have tried everything - water, tomato feed as recommended but to no avail. The only thing I can think of is that there is a small buxus transferred from a pot about a 12 inches high planted next to the pillar. Would this be affecting the climber in any way?
- 4 May, 2010
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I don't think that the Buxus will be affecting the climber. Do you prune the Trachelospermum? Flowers are produced on the short lateral shoots that grow from old wood. So you'll need to make sure that you are leaving enough old wood and don't snip off the side shoots. Also, it may need good sunlight in summer to ripen the wood for the following year. This is a slow growing plant and I'm sure that it will flower for you soon.
4 May, 2010