South Coast,
United Kingdom
What is this please ?
I have found quite a lot spread over the bottom of my garden in the corner.
Normally I would pull it up as a weed but this year i'm trying to be good and this flower looks quite pretty.
There are a lot of these buds forming so should look quite pretty but obviously if it is a weed it can't stay.
Thank you for any help.

5 May, 2010
Yes, a very useful plant for a shady spot. It should be pruned hard back during winter as this prevents it from getting too leggy and promotes flower growth. I'd let it colonise the corner, but remove any trails of it that spread too far.
5 May, 2010
It is also called Lesser Periwinkle.
5 May, 2010
Thank you everyone.
I will make a note of it.
Yes it is a very shady spot and is really sprouting.
5 May, 2010
Keep it well under control. It can spread rapidly and is difficult to remove from arouns other plants.
5 May, 2010
Thank you Bulbaholic.
5 May, 2010
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Vinca minor? I think !
5 May, 2010