By Faypascoe
United Kingdom
why is my corylopsis pauciflora not flowering?
8 May, 2010
planted in autumn 2008, it flowered last year. It looks very healthy, lots of leafy growth just coming out. Does it need feeding? It has had compost last autumn and some general fertiliser about a month ago ( Yes I realise thsi will nnot have affected it's flowerin period!) It is in semishade among other plants, but does get early morning full sun.
8 May, 2010
The early morning sun could be the problem - this one's rather like Camellia in that early morning sun on frosted flower buds causes bud drop and thus, no flowers. If there's not much frost about when the buds form, then its not a problem, but this year there would most definitely have been a lot of frost about. This plant prefers a bit of shade, particularly doesn't like hot sun, so needs sheltered spot out of bright sunlight, as you probably know - but evening sun would be best, not morning, unfortunately.
8 May, 2010
thanks - cant do much about the sun unfortunately, I did not see any buds, but maybe that was it,If no flowers next year I may cosider moving it.
8 May, 2010
Or if possible, plant something in the right spot to cast shade over it early morning.
9 May, 2010
might even try that!
9 May, 2010
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thanks Bamboo Is that the bark you buy in bags for decoration. »
Don't know, how long have you had it and has it flowered before?
8 May, 2010