By Lillieput
I have just bought a white climing rose called Camelia Rosa Grandiflora. The picture shows clusters of small white roses,but I can't find any information on caring for my rose.Can anybody help?
8 May, 2010
Hi Thanks for your reply.
I'm at a loss. The label definatley says Camelia rosa groandiflora and the branches have thorns just like a rose and is approx 5ft tall.I can only think it had had the wrong label attached.
Do Camelia's have thorny branches
14 May, 2010
No, absolutely not. It may be that they're using poetic license and meaning the flowers resemble Camellia in their form though. Trouble is, Rosa Grandiflora isn't a climber, it's a shrub, so hard to advise what to do with the one you have, other than just treat it as you would any climbing rose, which is to prune back medium or hard to an outward facing bud in February, deadhead regularly, train the growths up their supports as they appear, feed with a specialist rose food according to the instructions, and treat for fungal infections and aphids as necessary.
14 May, 2010
Thank you for the info. I'll do as you say and treat the plant as a rose.
17 May, 2010
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I'm confused by the name of your plant - you say its called Camellia rosa grandiflora - this implies that its actually a Camellia and not a rose - have you got the name exactly right? Because if you have, it's Camellia grandiflora alba, possibly, rather than being a rose.
8 May, 2010