By Bren1049
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me is it correct to pinch out the growing tips of ALL annuals? I pinch out cosmos, and some perennials such as fuchsias, geraniums etc. But what about asters, snapdragons, rudbeckias etc. Are there any plants that definitely should not be pinched out to increases bushiness and flowers? Also my aubergine plants grown from seed were doing well - about 4 ins high in unheated greenhouse but lately they've developed a yellowish tinge to leaves which are curling inwards. Can't find any beasties. They are Listada de gandia. Thanks in advance for any advice
8 May, 2010
I dont pinch out asters or snapdragons as their natural habit is to bush anyway.
as for the aubergine are they in a big enough pot. this yellowing is a sign of lack of nutrients. they also can curl their leaves when they get cold. as we have had a few cold nights lately at could be why.
8 May, 2010
thank you Seaburngirl - aubergines are in 3 inch pots at present (plants 4 ins high) no roots coming through bottom yet but I'll try repotting. Maybe it is the cold weather we've had after the very warm temps. in the greenhouse in April. Heigh ho . . . hope they recover.
Thanks to Cristina as well - it was the snaps I was wondering about mainly - I'll leave them to their own devices!
Thank you for your helpful replies
8 May, 2010
I have had weird things happen when pinching out sunflowers, so I don't recommend that.
8 May, 2010
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i dont thinku pinch out every thing ,but u do dead head .
8 May, 2010