By Sjwelch
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
My husband, thinking he was helping, has inadvertantly put a dilute slug killing substance in liquid form (metaldehyde)on my edible crops of spinach, chard, rocket, runner and dwarf beans, potatoes and also some red onions. Does this mean I will have to pull them out and start again or is there a safe interval between application and eating the crops? They were all growing very well as the garden is sheltered|!
9 May, 2010
Thanks for your reply. I know this chemical is used on commercial crops so I hoped it would be OK. Intend to raise my plants organically but obviously hadn't conveyed this message clearly to my husband! He's lovely and helped by building the bed and doing a lot of the digging but has promised to keep out of the crop growing now! I'm sure he'll help with the eating though! Your 'moon' growing is very interesting.
9 May, 2010
Glad you are enjoying the moon growing.
10 May, 2010
I wouldn't worry this is a pesticide and by the time you get to eat your veg will be lng gone.
9 May, 2010