By Angus12
Isle Of Lewis,
United Kingdom
as i have just been forced to retire through ill health i would like to learn to take cuttings and propagate such as hebe. what is the best time and how large should the cuttings be .
10 May, 2010
Angus welcome to GoY and good luck with the propagating. As Pamg says you really need a book to do this correctly - different shrubs have differing needs.
10 May, 2010
You will also be able to check out the library,Angus.welcome from me too...
10 May, 2010
Welcome, Angus, from a fellow Scot in exile! I to speak...18 months ago...but have returned part-time to teaching and Horticulture/Garden Design courses. The world is your oyster now...!
10 May, 2010
have you thought of taking short courses, my local horticultural college has a variety, usually on specific subjects etc. you meet a great bunch of like minded people---- a bit like Goy really :o)
10 May, 2010
charity shops are really good for books,and they save you money too.
and welcome.
10 May, 2010
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I have a good book called 'the complete book of plant propagation' there are so many different ways of propagating at different times of the year and for each plant that I think you'll find it fascinating -- try someone like amazon for a similar book -- hope you enjoy a new hobby :o)
10 May, 2010