By Brettdungate
United Kingdom
i have just dug a cordyline australis out of a freinds garden and planted it in mine the plantin question is about 12ft tall double stemed have you any tips to give it the best chance of surviving thanks Brett
10 May, 2010
thanks all roots andtap roots intact and it was out of ground for about 12 hours i have been giving it plenty of water since i planted it so im keeping my fingers crossed
10 May, 2010
for future referance brett do this kind of move in winter while the plant is dorement early spring is best .
10 May, 2010
I would also cut off the oldest 1/4 of the leaves to make sure that dehydration doesn't get ahead of rooting. Cutting more leaves off would slow evaporation further, but may slow root growth due to lack of photosynthesis.
11 May, 2010
good thinking tugbrethil
11 May, 2010
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Lots of water very frequently - the success of the move depends entirely on whether or not you managed to keep the roots intact, how long the plant was out of the ground, and that it doesn't dry out before it's had a chance to put out more roots to both stabilise itself and to seek water.
10 May, 2010