By Tuppence
United Kingdom
I planted hawthorn whips six or seven years ago and although they leaf up beautifully every spring, they've never flowered. Everything I read says that hawthorn is happy pretty much anywhere. Does anyone have any idea why I'm still getting no flowers?
11 May, 2010
Four are about 5' tall, I wanted to use them as a hedge, so cut two back hard a couple of years ago (there are 6 in total). Growing in heavy clay with sun for maybe half the day in full summer. They all look happy and healthy - just no flowers on either those I've cut or those I've not. I did wonder if it was a question of waiting for them to mature but can't find anything to suggest how long I might have to wait for them to flower.
13 May, 2010
did you find a solution .i happen to have a"wilderness "at the top of my garden amongst which there are a couple of 2/3 year old hawthorns that haven't flowered either ,so I was interested to find your question.
Hope they have
7 Aug, 2011
How tall are they? Possibly not enough.
13 May, 2010