By Amelia
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
My Hebe which is extremely large and well established has dead 'ends' where the flowers were last year- does anyone know if it will come back on it's own or does it need dead heading. This beautiful plant was already in the garden on our new rented jhouse so i am unaware of what care it needs. it really is huge though and it must have been planted for around ten years to be as big as it is- i love it cos it attracts butterfies and bees my favourites! does anyone have any advice as i am stressing, i dont want to lose it- when should it flower if not cut back? thankx GB
11 May, 2010
You don't say which variety it is, but if the dead flowerheads are at the tips, I'd shear the whole thing over to clear them.
11 May, 2010
Thankyou Bamboo, i don't know which variety unfortunately- wish i did. i have another Hebe type looking tree which has begun to flower i noticed (smells a little like hyacinth with the purple flowers) so i feared for this one. it needs to be cut back a little too- i have read you can do that in may, thing is it's so big i cannot reach through to cut near the bottoms first
12 May, 2010
You'll find a way - I always think gardening would be so much easier if I was actually a contortionist...
12 May, 2010
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GB = gardening buddies by the way :-P
11 May, 2010