By Julien
United Kingdom
Does anyone know if you can take cuttings of Tamerisk and if so would they be best taken as hardwood cuttings? thanks
12 May, 2010
I've had the best luck with hardwood cuttings, Julien. In my case though, that's the evergreen Athel tree (Tamarix aphylla), the only tamarisk not on the noxious weed list, here! Probably best to take finger-thick wands about 20 cm long in early spring, and bury the lower end about 4 cm deep. Keep them moist until they root and sprout. They can be started either in place or in a pot, but tamarisks don't like to be potted long.
12 May, 2010
I agree with the above 2 answers. Ive done cuttings on mine and they have worked really well
13 May, 2010
Thankyou, Seaburngirl,tugbrethil,Hijuju for your replys i will have ago and let you all know if i am succesfull, thanks Julien.
16 May, 2010
I remember doing a cutting about this time of year many yeras ago. they worked really well too. but I have moved house and the tree is still growing there happily.
12 May, 2010