By Theletchies
United Kingdom
My parents are moving north (to the Moray coast in Northern Scotland) and need advice as to whether it is worth bringing some of their outside potted plants...or will they not be hardy enough for the climate? Specifically, they are hoping to take north -
Olive Tree
Camellia Hardy
Bay Tree
Acer Trees (3 small & 1 very large)
They plan to put most of these on the South/South west of the house (which is under a couple of hundred metres from the sea) so should be sheltered from north & east winds. Any advice would be greatly received. Cheers
13 May, 2010
Just sent you a PM
13 May, 2010
Oh, I wanted to see what your recommendation was, Moongrower!
13 May, 2010
Okay not knowing exactly where in Moray, even if it is near coast, like you I would expect everything to be fine other than the olive which may well need to be taken into a frost free area for the winter. I know that where they grow naturally there can be bad frosts but those are established trees in the ground.
Another quick question just how big is the 'big' acer?
13 May, 2010
Hardieness should not be an issue as this is God's own country. Wind is likely to be the main issue, T, especially for the acers. Think of the winds that we are having at the moment and they often blow from the south! This should not stop your parents from bringing the acers and trying them, though.
Hope the move goes well.
13 May, 2010
Many thanks to all....keep the advice coming and I will pass it all on! They are moving to Burghead if that helps....I am not sure of the size of the big Acer. A friend (in Roseisle) says that his Bays suffer over the winter, even in a greenhouse, so I guess it may be a case of popping them (and the olive) in and out as the season/weather dictates, however he is a little further inland.
13 May, 2010
Burghead is a fine place with an enthusiast gardening tradition. The residents are very community spirited. If the new house is where I think it might be it will be sheltered frrom the west also. I am sure that the neighbours will be happy to give advice.
13 May, 2010
As they're near the coast, they should get away with it - the only thing I'd be worried about would be the olive. There are people on here who actually live in Scotland, so hopefully their advice will appear.
13 May, 2010