By Graham_smith
Indre, Centre,
I bought a cherry tree last November but it suddenly lost all it's blossom and it hasn't produced any leaves. Is the poor thing dead?
13 May, 2010
Scratch test.... As in "scratch a twig" ?
13 May, 2010
yes start at the tip and with a fingernail scratch the soft part of the twig progress to the trunk stop when you get green showing then try in other areas of the tree and you should get an idea how much ( if any ) of the tree is alive)
at this time of year all the branches and twigs should be showing green just under the soft bark
13 May, 2010
have you had sharp frosts, we've had frost here the past few nights and this could slow the leaves coming out-- let us know how you get on :o)
13 May, 2010
Thanks for the help. I am going down to the nursery where I bought the tree to see if they can offer any help. This year the frosts were particularly bad -14° somedays. I am just praying the tree will perk up and survive but at the moment it looks very poorly or even dead. My almond trees are looking sad too, so I am a bit fed up at the moment, especially as the next door neighbour has cherries already growning on hers. I will let you know how I get on as this is going to be so hard trying to explain to the french woman who has the nursery, but thank you for the support.
14 May, 2010
the leaves are produced after blossoming, I'd do a scratch test and if no green is visible contat your supplier
13 May, 2010