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Why do my Ricinus seedling wilt ? They have reached about 10cm now .This is the 4th year I have tried but each time they wilt , usually before they reach this height !!
Where am I going wrong ?? I love this plant, but as you cannot buy them anywhere I have to resort to seeds, but with very little luck. The first two leaves appear but as the second pair get going, this is where they decide to give up !! I have re - potted them , thinking it may be a bug but still no joy.



So sorry i don't know,but hope someone can answer your question.:0)

26 Feb, 2014


Where are you keeping the seedlings? In a greenhouse, on a windowsill? Could be damping off disease if indoors and the compost is left too wet. Do you use fresh seed compost every time, or reuse old compost?

26 Feb, 2014


To prevent damping off yu can water the compost with Cheshunt compound - or if its no longer obtainable just use copper sulphate solution.

26 Feb, 2014


it could also be too early and they are growing too tall due to the low light levels. are they getting cold on a night? are they growing in too warm a temperature once they have germinated?

these are all possiblities but so is damping off. They are a large sturdy seedling usually.
how many leaves are developing before they wilt?

27 Feb, 2014

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