By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Good morning! Someone has just asked me this question...and she is in a hurry!
I am unsure of the answer though...and thought you'd be a lot quicker with your responses!
She wants a clematis which wil flower all summer on a south facing fence which is very sheltered BUT being in/near a corner does NOT get alot of fact, I would say it's in the shade most of the time. Is there a clematis to fit the bill, so to speak? I feel confident you will come up with lots of suggestions!
15 May, 2010
Always reliable, Bamboo! I logged on quickly and jotted down your list for her before rushing off to do some shopping...hubby on way home from Portugal!
Thank you once're worth your weight in gld! LOL
15 May, 2010 even!
15 May, 2010
Previous question
« Hello! What is this small tree flowering now in my garden please?
Late spring and summer flowering hybrids should do, most of them will grow in any aspect, though if the shade is extreme, flowering may not be as prolific. these are the ones that have flowers about now which are large, and then another lot which are smaller 6 to 8 weeks later. Niobe, William Kennett, Elsa Spath, Mrs. Chomondeley, Lady Northcliffe, Sealand Gem are just a few of those. The later flowering clematis in the viticella or jackmanii group (flowering from late June on, usually) mostly prefer more sun, but Jackmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hagley Hybrid and Victoria will do reasonably well in shadier conditions.
15 May, 2010