No fruit yet on the gooseberry.
By Janew
United Kingdom
This is the second year I have had the red gooseberry and I was hoping it would have fruit this year. It was very healthy with lots of vigorous growth , but no flowers or fruit. Now it has the black spots again and the leaves are falling off.But it was ok at the time it should have had flowers and fruit. It is in a pot , should I plant it in the garden now?
My husband says I should forget it , but I was so looking forward to the fruit.
16 May, 2010
You'll probably have to spray frequently, too, Janew. There's rarely more than 7 days in a generation of these "fast forward" insects!
17 May, 2010
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Spray with water with washing up liquid added - preferably an environmentally friendly one Janew
16 May, 2010