mole control
By Happyabc
United Kingdom
How do I get rid of, and deter, moles in my garden?
8 Jul, 2008
Try putting windmills, the kind you buy for children, in the ground. The vibration should scare then off.
8 Jul, 2008
I use sprigs of holly pushed into runs with broom handle.It takes forever to break down and acts as a natural barrier they will not push past.If you live next to open fields or know the direction they come from then a trench 6-9" deep filled with holly will halt their pogress.
8 Jul, 2008
I read about somebody who went to the trouble of burying a radio below ground and playing loud music. Apparently they don't like the noise or vibrations! They didn't want to harm the moles.Apparently it worked - they just went somewhere else.
8 Jul, 2008