By Valadel
United Kingdom
I brought on six begonias, they grew lovely and then out of no where two began to flag, compost never dried out so after a couple of weeks I dug around and found the corms an orangey mush.
Since then have another appears to be going the same way,
What went wrong ?
16 May, 2010
No evil weevils Pamg, and they were kept in my conservatory, warm in the day not so hot at night. Thanks for your comment.
16 May, 2010
Too much water??
16 May, 2010
Mmm,Moongrower that crossed my mind, but they all got the same treatment, thanks anyway.
16 May, 2010
Too much water is still a possibility, Valadel. Many plants will do reasonably well in spite of overwatering...until the fungus spore lands (cue sinister, alien music!). Then it will easily spread from plant to plant.
17 May, 2010
Previous question
could have rotted off as its been very cold or did you see any grubs in the compost
16 May, 2010