By Johng77
United Kingdom
Hi, i have found 3 very old lead pipes in my garden 1,5 inch wide by about 12' long. They were on the surface/sub of the soil and very corroded.
I want to dig over the area next to where they were to grow veg but i'm worried about lead contamination.
Can anyone advise me on what i should do please?
1 Mar, 2014
If you are concerned you may get useful advice from the Health Protection Agency, details on Google.
1 Mar, 2014
The only reason that 12' lengths of pipes like this would be found is that they had been nicked and hidden! I realy don't think that there would be any soil contamination but, if you are concerned, then seek advice as above.
1 Mar, 2014
Thanks everyone.
I think they may have been taken out when the house was renovated a decade ago, and dumped there by the builders.
They are rusted and corroded on the outside, would they be of any recycle value?
2 Mar, 2014
If there's rust then they're iron not lead. Lead is soft grey and one of the most stable metals there is. Nowadays the most likely cause of lead poisoning is due to being at the wrong end of a gun.
2 Mar, 2014
The only way to be sure of lead levels, if any, in the soil is to send samples to a laboratory for testing. Seems a bit odd they were there - lead piping is usually still connected to something, so to find 3 lengths unattached is a bit of a mystery. I guess you also don't know how long they've been there, corroding away. Lead does tend to bind to soil and does not usually end up in the water table itself, but of course, its the soil you're concerned about.
1 Mar, 2014