By Homebird
United Kingdom
Is this a weigela or something else?

16 May, 2010
I;m not at all convinced this is a Weigela - in the second picture, is that an open flower more or less in the middle? How large is the plant and is it evergreen?
16 May, 2010
I see the one you mean bamboo. and if it is an open flower then it probably isnt weigela. interesting.
16 May, 2010
The leaves look rather long and narrow to be weigela, too. Reminded me of oleander initially.
16 May, 2010
At first sight it can be taken for Weigela, but agree with Bamboo at the second picture there is an open flower seen, and it's not Weigela's...Very looks like Lonicera shrub variety. May be Lonicera korolkowii...
16 May, 2010
looks like one to me. there are several different colours available too. very nice.
16 May, 2010