By Lisaburke
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
What can i plant in the front of my house where have removed a yukka. Want it to grow outwards rather than upwards, flower in Spring & Summer and not be bare in Winter. I like reds and bluey colours.
17 May, 2010
Some of the trailing cotoneasters, maybe?
18 May, 2010
Presumably sunny situation, as you had a Yucca there - how high and wide do you want it grow?
18 May, 2010
about 4ft high and the same width
18 May, 2010
Cistus 'Peggy Sammons', Hebe 'Autumn Glory' or H. 'Midsummer Beauty' , though the last one is only moderately hardy, but does survive most years.
18 May, 2010
thanks, i did suggest a hebe to the customer and a rhodendrum or a ceonothus but still no joy, cannot think of anything else though
18 May, 2010
Previous question
how about one of them low growing spruces that look like velvet ?
17 May, 2010