By Louise1
United Kingdom
Can Anyone Tell me What This Is Please ?
I posted this as a picture a week or so ago as an un-named WHITE flower !
As it's aged though it's developed this pink stripe !
The picture shows it next to a dicentra and a phlox.
I usually put a label in the ground next to new plants but there's nothing next to this and it would be nice to know its real name .... any help would be appreciated, thanks :-))

18 May, 2010
Really ????
Now how would this have got here because i haven't planted any !
I know i'm a bit forgetful sometimes but this is a real puzzle !!!
Is it usual for them to change colour like this ?
18 May, 2010
You must have planted at some point Louise or inherited as those are established plants. Yes it is usual for the petals to change colour as the flower ages in some varieties.
18 May, 2010
this is so unfair Louise1. Spritz and I bought lots back in Dec and of my 20 only 3 have put up any leaf. this is a lovely plant.
18 May, 2010
I've been puzzling over this and 'i' must have bought it because this was a grass only garden when i moved here.
Is there any way of knowing or guessing which trillium it might be .... i'd like to read-up on it !
18 May, 2010
Seaburn, you've popped up whilst i've been writing !
Isn't it queer ? !
Are they known to be difficult then ..... is this a mature plant .... are they slow growers ?
18 May, 2010
Looks like T. grandiflorum. they like dappled shade in well drained but moist soil. They are easy where they like it, if you see what I mean.
18 May, 2010
They're on my wishlist - lucky you! :-)
18 May, 2010
Thanks everyone, i've looked these up and they're lovely .... i'm glad i've got it !
18 May, 2010
I was thinking Trillium ovatum, Owdboggy, with those narrow petals? Nothing to fall out about though, they are all lovely.
18 May, 2010
Yes, possibly, but I was not sure if T, ovatum did the going to pink thing as the flower fades. In the Case's book on Trilliums they do say that there are forms of both which look more like each other than they do the species. So you can have Tg. which look like T ovatum and vice versa.
18 May, 2010
what ever it is I am still green with envy . Trilliums are also called 'wake robin' does that jog any memories of planting Louise?
18 May, 2010
None at all, Seaburn !
It's a complete mystery :-/
18 May, 2010
Ah well lucky Louise!
18 May, 2010
Thanks Mg :-)
The info i read on them says they hate to be crowded and will 'disappear', however, it also said they rarely survive root disturbance so .... whereas i thought i'd move it to somewhere less crowded i'm now loathed too.
What are your thoughts now folks ?
19 May, 2010
It is happy and flowering - leave well alone!
19 May, 2010
Lol, okay !
19 May, 2010
i'd leave well alone too and perhaps move some of its neighbours.
19 May, 2010
Right, thanks :-)
19 May, 2010
Why move any of it if it is happy?
19 May, 2010
like the new avatar louise.
19 May, 2010
Mg, only because of what i read ..... "it won't compete in an overcrowded position... and will just disappear" ..... and it's definately crowded :-/
Thanks Seaburn ;-)
20 May, 2010
I've never noticed our trilliums minded being tucked up together - remember the plants don't read books!
20 May, 2010
Indeed !
I'll leave them be :-)
20 May, 2010
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« I have a lithodora, herbaceous, it's flowering at about 12" high, has greyish-green...
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They are Trilliums, Louise. woodland bulbs from America.
18 May, 2010