North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
can someone please tell me what plant this is and how do you look after it and is it an outdoor or indoor plant
- 18 May, 2010
think this is a vriesea.not too sure how to look after them, i know they are easy and you can almost neglect them.if knowbody gives you an answer then pop into a b and q or garden centre and look on the label that should help you.
18 May, 2010
Yes, it's flaming sword (Vriesia). They are indoor plants. They like bright indirect light to filtered sun, moderate humidity, infrequent watering, and light feeding. The flower cluster will last for 3-6 months, depending on temperature and humidity. After the flower fades, the mother rosette slowly dies, but not before producing 3-5 new rosettes from the base. The new rosettes will grow for 2-3 years before blooming again. If you can get a good sized clump of rosettes going, you will always have flowers.
19 May, 2010
Previous question
indoor plant , i lnow what it is but cant remember what its called
18 May, 2010