By Hedgehogg
United Kingdom
Any tips for growing echinacea. I have bought tubers 2 years in a row which didnt make it once planted. They started to grow then dissappeared. This year ive grown 30 or so from seed on my window sill. I planted out 10 first and they dissapeared to nothing in no time. I brought the others which were hardening off in trays back in as they didnt look too healthy either. I have acid soil and alot of rain and snails. Should i add sand?
9 Jul, 2008
Someone please inform my garden slugs that they're not supposed to like them. I've bought several beauties as plants from garden centres. All planted out get munched at ground level by mean slugs & snails, despite my having read that slugs don't like them. I kept one in a pot with copper tape around the rim last summer, but lost it over the winter, drainage probably wasn't good enough. :(
9 Jul, 2008
The ones i grew myself are going to be huge deep pink flowers similar to yours in photo spritz, if they ever make it that far. The ones i bought from mail order were going to be red and yellow and they were already mature and not cheap! I do believe they have been partly munched by something as leaves seem to have been cut off and some of them lying on soil as if they have been tasted and rejected. Also think they may have been too wet. Thanks for advice will try to grow them on a bit more indoors and add gritt.
9 Jul, 2008
Echinaca are beloved of slugs and as for the new ones coming on the market, you might as well put up a big advertising hoarding to the "All you can eat"
9 Jul, 2008
Is that right andrew! Think i may need to tackle my slimy guests population then.I do feel as if i am spending a fortune providing them with gourmet dinners.
9 Jul, 2008
If they don't get eaten by slugs and snails then they just die off in winter! Mine have all disappeared so I've given up on them!
10 Jul, 2008
Beer in an aluminum disposable pie dish drowns snails. It is quite rewarding to wake up in the morning and smile as you picture them with their last big "tie on." Put the dish right in the middle of the targeted plants. Buy inexpensive beer -- it evaporates.
7 Mar, 2009
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I assume we are talking about the perennial ones that used to be called 'Rudbeckias' that come in shades of deep pink and white - like 'White Swan'? I have bought them as plants from nurseries and they thrive - I'm afraid I haven't tried from seed. I am surprised that snails eat them - I suffer from these beasties but they don't eat my Echinaceas. Maybe if they are consuming yours, it might be better to pot each plant on to grow into a bigger plant before you plant them out, and use slug pellets round them until they are established. Your acid soil should make no difference - a small amount of horticultural grit mixed in with the planting medium would improve drainage, if you feel it needs it, but they like humus-rich conditions. They like sun but don't mind a bit of shade.
9 Jul, 2008