By Cristina
United Kingdom
does any 1 know how to root wisteria
20 May, 2010
i usually put me wellies on to do any rooting
20 May, 2010
thanxs bamboo think i gv it a try as they cost a lot to buy.
20 May, 2010
a bit bak i asked how to root wistria, well i am glad to say i think i,ve dun it , got 3 cuttings wth leves on , plus found 2 growing in the garden which the birds must have seeded so just thort i wud let u all no .
21 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Very difficult, but if you want to try, you can layer some of the lower shoots in autumn and wait a year or so to see if they root, or you can take semi ripe cuttings with a heel, 3 or 4 inches long, in late summer and root in a propagator with bottom heat.
20 May, 2010