United Kingdom
Hi all
This weekend I intend to tackle the tree stump in the garden - I have been advised to drill a hole and fill with petrol, that shoudl kill it and mke it easy to lift out. Is this true???
Thanks All
20 May, 2010
Ok - thanks. How long will it take top die off?? I have about a month before my new shed is delivered and I need to get a concrete base down for it.
If it had been a bit cooler this weekend I would have tried the good old fashioned manual way with a spade... but not in this heat (phew)
23 May, 2010
Our bottle of SBK says not to use in April, May, June when the sap is rising but that was for painting on the stump. Is it more effective in drilled holes? If so that would be good for us too.
23 May, 2010
I use it any time I need to, Seabird, by drilling holes - it is guarantee-ably effective if used when the sap isn't rising, but it works anyway. I have a blog on tree stump treatments with precise instructions, not very long, available from my profile page under Blogs (only a short list to choose from!) if you want more info.
Peterjohn, not sure what you're expecting - the SBK used in the way I suggest will kill off the stump - but the stump will still be there for at least 2 years - dead, but still present.
24 May, 2010
2 years?!?!? The shed guys have phoned this morning my shed will be delivered this week.... oh no.. I think I might have to dig it out this evening, this shed is a beast and needs a concrete base laying down before I can put it up. So I will have to act swiftly as I have paid the company £170 to install it for me.
I thought there may be a way (like weed killer) where in a day or so the root would shrivel up to nothing and be lifted out.
Do you think I would need to take the whole stump out or can I cut a stump right back and simply concrete over it? After a quick root around (pun intended) the roots seem to stretch half way across the garden, and even though the stump above ground appears dead, the roots seem to have moisture in them. Does that mean it's not dead and will start to regrow??
Thanks though
24 May, 2010
In the circumstances, I'd saw it down to ground level (you'll probably need to clear some soil so you can get at it properly) and as level as possible, then I'd drill into it and apply the SBK, then concrete over the top of it. Just to make sure it doesn't try to regrow! Unless, when you saw it, its obviously dead, i.e., the wood is brown and dry all the way through.
24 May, 2010
Ok, I'll have a look tonight. Thanks
24 May, 2010
Ok I have had a hack this evening, this is one tough cookie. I have checked on the shed site ( and these guys want 50 - 100mm of solid base for this metal shed. This will take the rest of the week to dig out by hand, it's soooo well established. It's huge.
I have found this know how link
24 May, 2010
Haven't checked your link, but I was going to suggest you hire a tree stump grinder.
24 May, 2010
Thanks for the info Bamboo, now we can properly attack a self-seeded holly which had grown up through a shrub and then through tree branches.
Peterjohn - Good Luck! Let us know how you get on.
24 May, 2010
Previous question
Don't use petrol, please! Go and buy a bottle of SBK brushwood killer and use that instead. Assuming, of course, that your tree stump is still actually producing growth and isn't stone dead already. If its still got growth, drill more than one hole (on a stump 6 inches across, put four holes minimum) with a medium or large wood bit, then fill the holes with the SBK, cover with something and leave it. Then you'll have to wait for nature to do its work in rotting the dead wood before you can dig it out.
20 May, 2010