United Kingdom
I absolutely adore the two Daphnes I have in my garden. I would love to have one flowering later in the year and wonder if there is a later flowering one. I currently have D bohlua and D tangutica. The bohlua is over 10 years old and I've read that they can suddenly expire for no apparent reason. Is that the case?
Another question is does anyone have D odora marianni? If so, how has it done for you? Thankyou
1 Mar, 2014
I have Adora but it was new last year and has not bloomed yet soon I hope.
I have 3 different Daphanes I adore them.
RKwright is the man who knows all about Daphne's not seen him online for some time.
You could try pm him or search is goy page.
2 Mar, 2014
Different daphnes flower at different times of the year, check out the RHS for more info
2 Mar, 2014
They seem to have a life of about 12 to 15 years and then just give up suddenly. If you can get seed then they are easy to propagate, or try cuttings. D. retusa is a nice on flowering in May.
2 Mar, 2014
One in my garden is 24yrs old and in bud now.
2 Mar, 2014
Thanks everyone. I'll look up 'retusa' as you suggest Bulba. Good to know that life expectancy can be variable. Not sure about pm ing ms/mr wright. But thanks for the networking.
2 Mar, 2014
Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' flowers over a long period, but mine pegged it after about seven or eight years.
2 Mar, 2014
I need to correct my question - the Daphne I have h ad is not Bholua. It is an Odora and is fabulously scented at the moment.
1 Mar, 2014