By Jmunns
United Kingdom
Just bought a cameila plant, which was in a pot and outside, I've planted it where it gets good sun for just part of the day. But the leAves have dropped and some have curled. It doesn't look happy at all. Could it be the soil, do they have to be in acidic soil?
21 May, 2010
Ah I see, thank you for answering my question. So how do I change the soil to acidic? Poor cameila plant. I planted 6 days ago. Seeing it was unhappy I dug it up again. I made a deeper whole and put more compost in,
but it seems still unhappy.
22 May, 2010
If you do not have acidic soil you need to plant it in ericaceous compost (easily bought from your garden centre), mulch with something like composted bark and possibly even feed sequestrate once or twice a year. Take a look in your neighbours gardens and see what they are growing easily if you don't see any camellias, rhododendrons or the like you probably have alkaline soil. Again you could ask at your local gardening centre who 'should' in theory know.
I am concerned that you are going to have to dig up this shrub for a third time as it really is not doing it any good, you could try forking in a lot of ericaceous compost without actually shifting the shrub - unless you planted it in alkaline compost. Whatever you do keep it well watered especially as the weather has become so much hotter.
22 May, 2010
thank you so much, going the buy some now and hope this makes a change.
23 May, 2010
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Hi Jumunns and welcome to GoY. Yes Camellia's need acidic soil and as this one is newly planted needs to be watered regularly. When did you actually plant?
21 May, 2010