By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Acer Shin Deshojo...
I bought this acer yesterday as I adore its vibrant scarlet leaves in Spring and Autumn.It is a fairly expensive patio specimen..LOL...and I don't want to do anything wrong! I positioned it in full sun...for most of the recommended by a friend. I've since noticed that its leaves are curling slightly and ,after reading some of the answers on here about other acers, I suspect I should move it to dappled shade. Can some of you experts advise me please? Thanks as always...Isobel

21 May, 2010
I am certainly no expert but always thought Acers shouldn't be too exposed to the sun or wind come to that, yes dappled sun/shade would be my guess. Bye the way it's a lovely Acer, hope a real expert will give you more advise
21 May, 2010
Its a beautiful little tree Izzy.....Yes a sheltered position would be my guess...dappled shade and good drainage...:>)
21 May, 2010
not an expert but i was advised dappled shade and not in too windy a site.
21 May, 2010
With Acer shrubs, the simple rule is: The less green it's got, the more shade it wants.
But, it doesn't always follow.
Shelter is important, as wind burn, both hot and cold, will frazzle the leaves.
A good tip is to put a bowl of water close or under it ( the outstretched branches - not the roots!), as this prevents drying wind from having impact.
Hope this helps.
Jason - Derek's friend
22 May, 2010
Definitely needs light shade and a position out of any strong winds. I would also suggest you raise the pot up off the ground with pot feet, small rocks or even bricks otherwise the soil will not be able to drain well and there is more chance of bugs climbing in through the drainage hole and chewing on the roots.
22 May, 2010
It's on a Cotswold stone circle at the moment but I think I will move it and elevate it...thanks again all!
22 May, 2010
You are welcome Izzy
22 May, 2010
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Ooops! ...sorry! Meant to rotate the photos where necessary!
21 May, 2010