By Pmedwards
United Kingdom
i have leylandi conifers around my garden, which i keep at a manageable height, why have three in one corner gone thin and discoloured.
22 May, 2010
id say that and the others are probably taking over near them,.
22 May, 2010
thanks., they may be short of light , but do you think they may also be lacking in water, do leylandi need alot of water?
22 May, 2010
they just drink a lot especialy so close to each other in the corner and they need feeding.
22 May, 2010
thankyou, what do you recommend?
23 May, 2010
just a general purpous feeder realy but im no mite be worth asking that question on here or google it.the other thing you can do is bury a pipe or to so when you do feed the trees you know there getting it.
23 May, 2010
thanks thats really helpful.
23 May, 2010
your more than welcome thats what we all love this site for . youl be answering questions before you know it lol . take care bye for now .
23 May, 2010
Previous question
Is that corner getting enough sun?
That may cause thinning and discolouration
22 May, 2010