By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
My spiraea bridal wreath has now finished flowering. Do I prune it? And if so, how? Which shoots do I cut, the ones that have just flowered, or the new foliage that has sprung up? Help!
22 May, 2010
Hi Plantmaiden - so I cut off the stems that have just flowered and leave the new growth alone? I'm a bit dense about pruning as you can tell!
22 May, 2010
just give it a bit of a hair cut really and ya cut off the flowered stems so new growth will flower next year.
i prune to keep a nice neat shape or are you growing it as a 6ft bush.
i cut out some of the old longer stems lower down in the bush so its stays tight and bushy. hope that makes sense
22 May, 2010
Thanks Plantmaiden for the clarification! Will get out there and do my stuff tomorrow. I only planted it last year, it's about two foot by two foot now and flowered beautifully even though I did nothing to it after it finished flowering last year. I'd like it to get to around 3 ft x 3ft and then keep it that size.
22 May, 2010
Lovely Spirea Jan looks too vigourous for my garden. I have old Goldflames and I trim after flowering. There is no harm every now and again giving a No2 haircut prune+ water + cosset in the autumn. Fuss again in the spring and back again with a wonderful display.
23 May, 2010
Thanks for the advice Dorjac, I feel a bit more confident now about tackling it!
23 May, 2010
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ive got one as says prune out old and weak stems when flowering has finished
i sometimes cut out bits before in april and again after its flowered,but i keep mine short about 3or4 ft tall.
22 May, 2010