United States
How many plants fall in the category of the common name "Ice plant"?
23 May, 2010
my dad called Sedum spectabile Ice plant-- I remember my tortoice always making straight for it ...
23 May, 2010
Hi Berneih-- hows the rain ? we've got a heatwave now ( well heatwave to us :0)
23 May, 2010
Hi Pamg. Lol ... heatwave!!! Would you believe I'm enjoying Autumn temps. that are now down around 80 degrees F ... yes that's our lovely Autumn daytime temps. right now. Soon Winter will be here and the daytime temps. might drop down to around 68 deg F!!! Of course, our nights get slightly cooler! Rain's all gone finally, but we're still getting lots of overcast days ... need more sunshine!
23 May, 2010
Sorry Berieh, Australia needs more rain. Just that it only falls on you when your garden needs watering. May the sun shine on you, but not too long without rain.
23 May, 2010
Hi Dorjac .. you're right ... Australia as a whole could certainly do with a lot more rain at any time as it's one of the driest continents in the world!
Right now, though, my home state of Queensland is rather lucky in that only around 1% of the whole state is actually drought declared, thanks to all the rain we've received during our Summer. That hasn't happened for quite some time.
Drought conditions in New South Wales have hit a nine-year low as well ... down to around 7% drought declared at the the moment.
Areas of WA are still drought declared, mostly inland and the same for South Australia, but still not as bad as previous years.
Of course, during the remainder of the year, conditions will likely change!
23 May, 2010
Previous question
Lampranthus, Delosperma cooperi, Carpobrotus edulis, Carpobrotus edulis, Conicosia pugioniformis, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum ... are some I know that are commonly called Ice Plant.
23 May, 2010