By Gkbeaumont
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me what these are please? I have recently dug over some ground that hasn't been touched in years and these are sprouting up everywhere. They are growing really quickly and these are about a week old.
- 23 May, 2010
Thank you
23 May, 2010
thought it looked like a Euphorbia of some kind...could be wrong though
23 May, 2010
Mg, that's an excellent rule of thumb. I agree.
23 May, 2010
Looks like the weedy Euphorbia which we get lots of in our garden. Careful when pulling it out as it has an irritant sap.
23 May, 2010
Yes could be the weedy Euphorbia too SewingK and Owdb... I'd still be giving it the heave ho! Thanks Weeding!
23 May, 2010
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Possibly a willow herb in which case you need to remove them. As a rule of thumb anything that grows fast in freshly dug soil is likely to be a weed.
23 May, 2010