By Clonemummy
could I grow a Bougainvillea in the uk? I have a sheltered south facing garden in herts.
11 Jul, 2008
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I have a bourgainvillae growing indoors, I also live in a south facing house in Herts. I don't think it will tolerate the frost. Mine has trebled in size in a year and is very happy, but refuses to flower. Can anyone tell me why? I read somewhere it is becasue it likes to be rootbound is that right. Also don't water until completely dry and then give it a good drink or the leaves will fall, it loves to climb.
Any advice is welcome, as I would love it to flower
13 Jul, 2008
Thanks for the replies to my question. Maybe I can help in return - I am currently living in Botswana,Africa where Bougainvillea grow like dandelions do in the UK, anywhere and everywhere! They grow wild as well as very well in pots so the rootbound theory may not be correct. They flower most prolifically in the winter months here, the day temp averages 22 degrees and the night time drops to between 2 - 6 degrees, so the non flowering may be caused by you keeping it too warm? Also the advice about watering is right, it can go weeks between rain shower here and yet all the wild Bougainvilleas still flower fantastically, hence the reason I've fallen in love with them and would love to grow some on my return to the UK.
14 Jul, 2008
They are only hardy down to 0 degrees for a short while - so any long periods of frost and it's a goner! I think that some people grow them in conservatories over here.
11 Jul, 2008