By Sugarbevs
United Kingdom
Good morning everyone,
We live in rented acommodation and so don't want to spend too much on the garden-but want it to look nice.
There is one patch near the greenhouse and the sunhouse (by a fence) that is overgrown with weeds.
I woke up today and thought .. cottage garden look !ere is a cut down bin in the ground full of water where a toad visits occasionally btw-which we love.
As a novice-what do I need to do to the ground...there are some blue flowers there so I am reluctant to use weedkiller. What plants should I use....? I am thinking of digging it over and planting seeds of hollyhocks, mum in laws tongues, foxgloves etc...Any thoughts anyone..? Do I literally do rows of seeds ..and is this the right time or am I too late ? Thanks in anticipation. Sugarbevs.x
24 May, 2010
Thanks Drc726.. very encouraging x How can I make sure I have flowers this year ? We may be moving at the end of this year.
24 May, 2010
ps I was thinking of all the tall cottage plants at the back getting smaller towards the front.
24 May, 2010
Sugarbevs don't sow your seeds in rows in you want a cottage garden look as that will look to formal. If you want colour for this summer you will need bedding plants and annuals as perennials grown from seed will not flower this year. Try your local 'Freecycle' as Drc suggests. Don't use weed killer if you want to keep your toad happy.
24 May, 2010
Thanks Moongrower,,,, can I get tall plants like hollyhocks and foxgloves bedding plants for flowering this season ?
24 May, 2010
You can certainly buy lupins as fully grown plants Lidl was selling a few weeks ago so check there and at Aldi. Next stop somewhere like Poundland - you'll be amazed at the amount of stuff they sell at just £1. The GC will have all sorts of plants tall and short which will flower this year it really depends on how much you want to spend and how big the area is
24 May, 2010
Bless you, thanks Moongrower..hadn't thought of Lidl and Poundland... will try them..... I love Lupins... it isn't a huge patch by any means .. will try and estimate it after the schoool run.
24 May, 2010
You have a great idea and it does not need to cost much I would start by giving it a good dig over and get rid of weeds leaving any plants. Then look at packets of wild flower and cottage garden seeds you get a good mix in those. Bedding plants start at about £3 for 6-8 plants. Also look on your local 'Freecycle' you may see plants offered free? Look in local papers Friday Ad as Schools and locals organisations etc may have plant sales which may be cheaper? Hollyhock and Foxglove will flower next year. As will most seeds now? Do you know any gardeners they will often pass on a plant or seeds?
24 May, 2010