United Kingdom
Willow (salix integra Harhuro-nishiki. I bought a good plant, about 1.6m tall and potted it in an ericacious compost and placed in sunny position and part shade. It has wilted and died dramatically in just over a week. as an experience gardener I am mortified! Anyone help???
24 May, 2010
It didn't need ericaceous compost, that's for sure. Would have been better in John Innes No. 2 or 3, or even multi purpose. Where was it when you bought it - under shelter? And did you plant and leave it outside immediately, without hardening it off first? Possible the cold over the last 3 weeks got to it if it hadn't been hardened.
Otherwise, take it back to where you bought it and get another one or your money back - I wouldn't tell them I put it in ericaceous compost though - unless they're the ones that told you it needed it.
24 May, 2010