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United Kingdom
can I take ivy cuttings ? if so how do I do it?
25 May, 2010
If its a large and mature ivy you're taking cuttings from, don't use the topmost growth, try to get young growth from lower down. Cuttings taken from mature growth will produce an ivy shrub rather than a climber.
25 May, 2010
Thanks for the information I don't seem to be all that good at cuttings but you have been very helpful
25 May, 2010
thats handy to know bamboo thanx mate .hope your enjoying the hot sunny weather.
25 May, 2010
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Ivy roots extraordinarily easily, the stems are just waiting to make roots.
To take cuttings, just pull a bit off the plant - about 2" - 3" long, strip the bottom few leaves off, leaving about 4 and push into moist compost. You can take several cuttings and put them into one pot, pushing them in round the edges. Cover the pot with a plastic bag held onto the pot by an elastic band and put in a light but not hot place. A window sill that's not sunny would be OK.
Some cuttings like to have a "heel" - a little bit of the main stem that stays on the side shoot you pulled off, others like to be taken off the parent plant where a pair of leaves meets the stem. Some prefer to be cut in between the leaf joints. Ivy is so ready to root I really don't think it matters how you do it - show it some earth or compost, or anything it can grow in and it'll be off!
25 May, 2010