By C2itken
United Kingdom
Will ANY male Holly do to pollinate my Female Holly
llex aquifolium "Argentea Marginata" ?
25 May, 2010
yes any male will do. they are all good at pollination it will be interesting to see what the berries [babies] grow up to look like. do you intend to grow them to see? or is it just to have berries for the birds.
25 May, 2010
Thank you for your replies and I am happy to hear that any male's can fertilise the female holly! I am not sure what colour the berries should be but I am going to be over the moon with any.
I have rescued the female plant from a small pot behind some old cottages next to mine, the plant was on its last legs just over a year ago, I have chosen a new main leader branch and tied it up into a vertical position to replace the dead head from the original, this year it has some obvious female flowers and I now have found a small male plant that is now next to his new girlfriend !
25 May, 2010
Glad to hear something's having an interesting life, even if it is plants, lol. Hope the berries are plentiful too.
25 May, 2010
25 May, 2010