By Nickyjones
United Kingdom
I have just bought two Vitis Coignetiae plants to train up some trellis. The leaves are shiny. However, I have seen another Vitis Coignetiae in a garden centre with matt, leathery leaves. I would prefer the latter. Will the leaves on my plants develop more leathery leaves, or are they a different variety (the label just said Vitis Coignetiae). Many thanks.
26 May, 2010
Hi, Many thanks for your response. I'm beginning to wonder whether it's because they are young plants, as the leaves are exactly the right shape, and I don't know of any other climber with the same shape and leaf size. I haven't planted them yet, but since buying them they have put on a lot of growth, so they are definitely raring to go! I bought two as they will go on two 6ft trellises with a gap inbetween to walk through. Do you manage to keep yours in check? Nicky
29 May, 2010
Previous question
« I planted some lavender seeds I bought from B & Q. They are now small plants...
This should have matt leaves with a rough textured surface. I suspect they were wrongly labelled. Could you return them for a refund/replacement? Also, 2 is probably one too many. This is very vigorous and one plant will easily cover 6 fence panels or more! See photo on my homepages, 3rd from the bottom .
29 May, 2010